Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Home Away from Home...My Cali Family ❤️

I'm a day late to post this week but I've been on a little (much needed) vacation for the past few days. 

Every winter I hop on a plane to spend some quality time with my Johnsons....a family that I had been nanny to for a solid 10 years before they moved out to sunny Califorina a few years back. Lucky for me, an annual trip to the desert in the middle of our often never-ending Minnesota winter is quite a gift!

It started off great...with a smooth flight and obligatory photo of my wait at the airport: 

A short 3-ish hour flight later and I am greeted with a happy palm tree, blue skies and majestic mountains:

We had a jam packed week of fun and fellowship. I so look forward to my time with this family each year...the girls grow and change in such beautiful ways year by year and I love seeing their spunky, strong personalities develop. Just look at my girls:

J and G (the mama and daddy) are both doing so great...working together as an amazing team to lead this family to greatness. Pretty cute crew, huh:

One endeavor has been the opening of J's new salon! On my visit last year, she was just finishing the floors and having all her cabinets and stations installed. One year later, and the place is AMAZING!

She has 10 staff, a bazillion clients and a beautiful space that is welcoming, super stylish and chic! It's a winner! I am so happy for her success:

I'm also happy for her mad skills. I always make sure my hair is in desperate need of her loving care right before I arrive and she works her magic:

Nothing better than a fresh 'blonde-ing' ...that's a word.

J and I had some great days together when the girls were at school...lunches on sunny patios at tasty restaurants. Melvyn's in Palm Springs is a must! My taste buds start craving their ginormous Cobb Salad about a month before my trip and rejoice in delight on that day when it reaches my belly. I should have taken a picture but there was no time to waste!

We had the waiter take a complimentary Polaroid of us at least:

Must-eat #2 are Enchiladas & Guacamole at Armandos on El Paseo. Papa joined us for lunch:

Some other highlights...Jenny participated in career week at little D's preschool and shared all about the art of hairstyling. She showed all her tools and talked about how to be a good client when it's time for a haircut. Little D was her mini model and got a trim in front of her class. It was so cute and the kids loved it:

Responsible students:

Sunny the puppy and her new favorite toy:

My yearly purchase of a fresh pair of Toms:

Lady G pumping gas...she is a licensed driver...what????

Very important wooden bench shopping for the new dining room table. We found exactly the perfect one (and some possible chairs too) for a bargain...I love bargains, especially when they look this fancy:

Some coloring with little D:

And Lady G and her B-ball team made it to the 3rd round of CIF's (the state tourney) and she had an AMAZING GAME! 27 points and 12 rebounds....what a stud. She left it all out there on the court and I am so proud. They came up 2 points short in the end but I see great things on the horizon for next year's season. She even was interviewed for the newspaper after the game...super cool:

Oh yeah, and we made signs and cheered like crazy fans:

I just arrived back home a few minutes ago, and although it feels so good to settle in, I miss the whole crew already! Until next year:) 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Crafty Corner: Table Shirt

I actually found time for and completed a sewing project last night. It's been awhile since I have done such things, so I thought I would share.

Many of my household sewing projects stem from a problem that needs solving, and this was no exception. 

Awhile back, my furball friend decided that it was cool to chomp on my wooden night stand:

So, I tried a few things that pet experts suggest (they didn't work). My temporary solution:

Super classy, right? After a few months of waking up to this travesty of a decorating nightmare, I could take it no longer!

I got some fabric that suited the style of the room a little more, measured and cut 5 squares:

I pressed seams all around the center square and one edge of the 4 remaining squares. Then sewed a side panel to each of the center seams along the matching pressed seam lines. It looked like a first aid cross (if that's helpful for a visual). I placed the piece onto the tabletop with the flaps hanging down each side to make sure it was fitting snug. I then pinned 2 side pieces together at the corner working down to the bottom, sewed and repeated the process all the way around. And finished with turning up the bottom edge all the way around to hem into place. 

So much better! My bedside table is protected from kitty abuse and I am pretty sure feels quite fancy in its new table shirt:)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Sequins & Sofas: 5 Things

A few of my recent loves:

1. Sunflower/Pumpkin Seed Combo- Not necessarily this brand...just the mix is really yummy. My favorite use- on a salad with spinach, cucumber, cheese and a simple homemade balsamic dressing (recipe to be shared at a later date). It adds a nice little crunch.

2. Wool Dryer Balls- I got these on Etsy in the recent past and then forgot I bought them...I plan to give them a try on my next laundering. I read somewhere a few years ago that dryer sheets are really yucky for you so stopped using them. But now I'm thinking I would like to have a natural option to help cut down the static a little. We'll see how they fair.
Bonus #1- I can add a few essential oil drops for a refreshing scent!
Bonus #2- Mosie thinks they are fun to chase.

3. Yeowww!- Speaking of my little furball...he can't get enough of this little catnip laced fish. He has other catnip toys that he cares very little about, but this one gets him super jazzed!!

4. Penzeys Paprika- Paprkia has become my new favorite spice. I put it on my scrambled eggs in the morning and it is quite yummy. You should try it. And it adds vital nutrients and antioxidants to your diet with just a little that doesn't suck.

5. Pureology Hydrate Hair Products- I used these many years ago and loved them. But at some point, for reasons I cannot recall, I switched to a different brand that I thought could get the job done (probably because it was cheaper). Over time, my hair started to feel and look rather frumpy and I went back to the good stuff. Why did I ever leave? Good, quality hair products really do make such a difference. It is an investment, but I don't splurge on much in life, soooooo... Pureology 4-eva!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

It snowed.

It's just too blizzard-y and winter-y to write stuff today. So here are a few pictures of my gal pal 'A' and I at the Gopher basketball game a few weeks ago. 

It was fun to stomp around campus once again, take in the excitement of the Barn and sing the beloved rouser....we got to practice spelling MINNESOTA lots of times with fist pumps and everything. Also, look at Goldy and his high makes me giggle: