Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Crafty Corner: Hoot, Hoot!

Ok, so having a sewing machine is becoming more and more fun each day! Last week, I was almost dozing off into sleepy dream land when an idea popped into my head.

My little sister is just a few weeks away from having her first baby (a cute little girl) and I wanted to make her something fun with my newly acquired skills.

I am a bit obsessed with owls right now (anyone else? What is with that? They are just so cute...I want to buy anything I see with an owl on it these days) and a possible vision of magic (maybe, if it turned out) came to me in my almost sleep....

I am going to make her an owl...that is, for my new baby niece. Could I pull this off? Not sure, but I made a plan and just went for it:


An example/some inspiration:

A makeshift pattern:


That's how it all went down....and I was so excited with the end result:

Hey Mr. Owl. I like you! Definitely more little woodland creatures to come in my future crazy sewing adventures...stay tuned:)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sequins & Sofas: Cover it up!

I have been totally swamped these past few weeks and the next few are appearing to be the a quick little post for your reading pleasure.

As I blogged about a few weeks back, I rearranged my apartment and started a crazy-fun 'stuff' purging party. Happy to say that I am almost at the end of the tunnel with that project...just a few more items to go thru and, bam, done!

Whilst my organizing, I was not loving the look of my closet area...see exhibit A:

Although everything had a place, the shelving area never looked organized and just made me a little crabby. So I did something about it, see exhibit B:

What's easier than just covering it up? Nothing! I highly recommend using this tactic when faced with a messy looking area that needs a little help. You can make your own or have Ikea do it for you...their curtains even come with fancy no-sew hem tape. Score. Of course, try to organize the stuff the best you can before covering it up....then cover it up.

I am much happier now when I walk into my closet...greeted by a wall of happy flowers rather than my many baskets of 'stuff'!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Toddler Talk: Shake It!

To continue with the theme of music mania, I have a fun gift idea for the young kids in your life. Perhaps for a baby shower gift (which is where this one was given) or maybe a present for that little one with a birthday coming up who already has a billion cars, dollies, and electronic devices.... I have said before, music is amazing! And an essential component of healthy development! Kids learn about concepts in math, social interaction, & large/fine motor skills by listening to music and by making music of their very own!

I see how my toddlers get excited when music comes on the radio and know that yours most likely do the same! Why not give the gift of music to the next toddler on your shopping list:)

Ok, enough talk! Here's what I put together:




The instruments were purchased at a few different stores (Creative Kidstuff, 10,000 Villages, Lakeshore Learning, World Market).

The CD's I had in my library of kid music and burned some of my favorites.

And just a side note: see my earlier post about making felt bags to 'wrap' all those instruments. From a crafter's mind, it's all about the presentation: Cute Felt Gift Bags!

I may have gone a little overboard with the number of instruments/CD's, but I was having so much fun putting it all together. I just couldn't help myself! For a more manageable gift (both in time and $), maybe just do 1 or 2 CD mixes of your favorite (kid friendly) tunes and a handful of shakers and clackers!

The bucket is handy for keeping all things musical in one spot for easy, on the go creativity! I suggest having many regularly scheduled dance parties/jam sessions with the kids to give them a chance to bust out the 'Music Bucket' and rock it....toddler style!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Toddler Talk: Sing a Song

Sometimes, we teachers are in need of a song to sing that helps the kids learn important concepts. There are a myriad of tried and true musical numbers that help kids master letters, shapes, colors and the like. Great, wonderful! But what are you supposed to sing when they are going thru a phase of 'I like to scream really loud inside because another kid just did and it was really funny, and now i want to do it again. Because I like to.'?

What do you sing then?

You make up a new and amazing song to the tune of Frere Jacques...because if you don't, your eardrums just may explode!

We were working on the goal of 'appropriate voice levels for all occasions' last week, and my dear co-teacher Christy busted out a little diddy she created that fit the bill just right:

The kids thought it was DELIGHTFUL and we sang it together all week! It was a great springboard for casual conversation about where to be loud and where to be.....not loud.

So, the next time you have an issue with your little kiddo (not that your kids ever have issues, I am sure they are perfect, lovely angels all the time just like mine) that you just don't know how to remedy, I highly suggest making up a song about it. No need to compose your own original score, just use a familiar tune and go for it. My toddlers are most definitely more engaged and open to learning new concepts when singing is involved!

p.s. one more song we made up (at least i think its an original) to the same tune is a fun way to rock the Peek-a-boo game:

Who is hiding, who is hiding?
Can you guess, can you guess?
Peek-a-boo its (name here).
Peek-a-boo its (name here).
Who is next, who is next?

Another crowd favorite that they could literally sing for hours! Happy composing:)