Tuesday, September 15, 2015

American Ninja Warrior!!!!!...well, almost.

I had such a busy summer with a bazillion wedding ceremonies to run in addition to teaching my toddlers everything there is to know about life. I am exhausted. 

Due to the aforementioned exhaustion, I had no time (you could also possibly read this as desire) to exercise my body in any capacity. As the summer came to a close, I knew things had to change...bahhhh, I needed to get moving. A few weeks previous to my fitness epiphany, I happened upon a 'Plank Challenge' on the internets and mentioned the idea to my pal D (I always find it best to take on things that are titled as a 'Challenge' with a buddy. It's more fun and makes you want to actually try). Funny enough, she had already been thinking of a similar challenge and our road to fitness was born. She sent me this chart and we decided to get started on September 1st:

And what could be more fun than crunches, leg raises and planks? Squats. She also added this:

Let's do it! The first few days were fine, dare I say easy even. Then I got to around day 11....plank for an entire minute?? How many leg raises exactly?? What's that you say about reps now?? I almost died. But I actually didn't! Good news. It helped a little that I was in the midst of viewing a ridiculously amazing season of American Ninja Warrior on the TV. I was feeling inspired to persevere and channel the inner athlete that I knew was still in there somewhere. Now, I can't promise that I will be 100% successful with the number of reps/seconds/etc that each of the remaining days demand, but I am going to try my best. With encouragement from my pal D, I hope to get a little stronger and feel a little better! Who knows, maybe by the end, this will be me:

Ok, maybe not. I don't expect to be a contestant on the next season of ANW by any means, but I do hope to keep my body moving and learn to have desire to exercise consistently....even in little ways. 

After all, 'old lady' basketball league play is right around the corner and I gotta be ready! 

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