I have also made a few other backyard improvements since we last chatted about my outdoor endeavors.
1. I moved my 'Peace' letters from the back of the garden to the middle. As the plants thrived and multiplied (certainly due to my mad plant growing skillz), the letters became hidden leaning against the fence. That just wouldn't do! I nailed a wooden stake to the back of each letter and drove them into the ground:
I went with a fancy curved layout that allows them to be presented prominently at center stage. They seem more intentional now, and I like it.
2. A Bird Feeder!
Admittedly, this new addition has nothing to do with providing nourishment for the neighborhood birdies and squirrels. It has everything to do with entertaining Mosby...who patiently plans his 'attack' at the garden window in the kitchen as the wildlife gathers to dine:
Watching his new friends is now at the very top of his daily to-do list. It brings me joy that he feels joy.
3. Tomatoes!
So, just as a reminder, my darling neighbor planted these for me at the beginning of the summer and just told me to water and see what happened. Well, tomatoes happened! Little ones and big ones (which I am currently waiting to turn red...then I shall eat them).
4. Raspberries!!
This is my most favorite update! They are REALLY growing. So much so that I recently added some wire cages to help support and direct their growth....I foresee much deliciousness in the coming years. If you ask nicely, I might share.
With 1 growing season almost under my belt, I am feeling good about what the future holds for my relationship with nature. I think we might be friends afterall.
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