Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Crafty Corner: Pillow Perfect

Several weeks ago, one of my toddler friends was getting ready to take a big trip overseas with his mama to visit his grandparents. We sent him off with a little gift (a matchbox dump truck) to keep him busy at the airport and a travel pillow to keep him sleepy on the plane:)

I chose some special fabric (he loves all things transportation):

Cut 2 pieces to the desired size (12X8ish: it's really up to you, I just eyeballed it to be not-too-big and not-too-small...how helpful is that?):

And cut/sewed a suitcase strap for storage when not being used:

After sewing the strap into place, I took the other piece of fabric and laid it on top (so both patterns were facing each other). I then pinned and sewed around the edge...leaving a small opening at the bottom to add the polyester fill:

Turned it right side out and went to town with the stuffing:

When it reached the perfect state of puffy, fluffiness, I sewed up the hole by hand and it was ready for travel:

His mama sent us a picture of him on the plane as they were preparing to take off - he looked comfy cozy with his blankie and new pillow friend!

I'm thinking of making one for myself for my next travel adventures....but perhaps a different pattern. Kitties? Flowers? Stripes? Who am I trying to kid...it will totally be kitties.

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