Saturday, August 18, 2012

Stylin Saturday: Saucy

I love to cook and I love to eat. However, I have this thing about leftovers and foods that have been in my fridge for a few weeks. I know that you can eat leftovers for a bunch of days, but in my mind they become poisonous after about 48 hours....irrational, yes.
I am also well aware that when you open a jar of salsa or a gallon of milk, it's good for quite awhile...maybe even a day or so past the expiration date (yikes, it's even hard for me to type that without a little anxiety in my heart).

So you see my dilemma when dinner time rolls around and I want a tasty bowl of spaghetti, but staring me in the face is a questionable jar of Ragu or Prego.

One day, I thought to myself, "How can I get around this problem? I could just NOT be crazy and eat the spaghetti sauce. Naaaah, let's be's for sure poison. I need a better solution."

Then it came to me...I need small amounts of sauce that can be stored safely and used as needed....I just can't eat a whole jar of store bought sauce before it becomes "contaminated".

I found a simple recipe for spaghetti sauce online and spent the day simmering and stirring a delightful pot of homemade sauce.

Then I split it all up in a bunch of ice cube trays and froze it all overnight. The next morning, I popped those bad boys out and put them in a container to be stored in my freezer.

Crazy lady problem solved. Frozen things stay "unpoisoned" way longer (right???). So now when I have a hankerin' for spaghetti, I toss in a few cubes of homemade sauce, melt them into my noodles and enjoy with total assurance of a poison-free eating experience!

It's still a life goal of mine to learn to eat leftovers and dial down the crazy when it comes to old-ish open jars of this and that. But until that day comes, I am content to know that my sauce cubes are waiting for me in their happy frozen home...poison free.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, dharma, you are hilarious! just think how far you have come from mac n cheeze and broccoli and milk for dinner every night. waittago, crazy lady! :)
