Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Like Mother....Like Daughter.

Part 1:
Shhhhhh...my mom and I have a little secret. We LOVE our furry creatures so much that we kind of made a pact to have freedom to share as many stories, thoughts, updates or photos with each other as we 'need' to. 

Yes, it's perfectly socially acceptable to share a pic of my kitty on the Instagram every few days. But deep down inside I wonder, "Ok, how many people are rolling their eyes just a little bit at this post right now? ANOTHER picture of Mosby staring out the window? Oh, darling...he's snuggling so cute on the couch AGAIN!!!" I try my best to harness the 'crazy' but it's hard, yo. Can I get an Amen from all the kitty lovers out there?

And that's where my mom comes in to save the day....sometimes you gotta talk about your kitty even though you know you probably shouldn't. She has declared her listening ear to be a safe space for those moments.

And in full support, I return the favor to give her an outlet to share about her 'pet' too..his name is Bob:

My mom grew up with many different kitties and loved them to pieces. If she found a kitty that needed a home, she took it in (unknown to her mom on several occasions I am pretty sure). With many kitties also came many sad goodbyes...which she has little desire to experience again. She just loves too much!

And then, Bob. A wild rabbit that lives under the shed in their yard. He's the perfect 'pet' for her animal loving nature ...a self sufficient, outdoorsy little fella who stops by on a daily basis for a chat and a fresh carrot. She can just enjoy his company and not worry too much about his care...cause ya know, he's wild. And when she wants to talk about how cute and furry he is or how quickly he ate his carrot yesterday, I'm all ears 🐰!

We are the perfect Animal Lovers Support Group for each other....should I share that picture via text? Yes! Do I tell that silly story about that cute thing he did? Absolutely! Am I excited to hear about Bob's daily adventures? You betcha!

Part 2:
A few months back, I was shopping with Mama and we found the cutest, softest little stuffed bunny that looked just like Bob! I bought it for her because it was sooo darling and she could hug it in place of the real deal if she had the need (you try hugging a wild bunny). 

And what does a lady need most for her stuffed bunny? Some stuffed bunny snacks, of course!

As a gift for Mother's Day (along with a few other little trinkets of love), I made some fabric carrots (kind of to be funny, and also a little because I felt like stuffed Bob just needed carrots). 

Just in case you feel like you also just need some carrots, here was my process:

So, there you go. Stuffed carrots for a stuffed rabbit. Because all animals deserve the best....even the fake ones. Oh geez. I think I'm starting to feel the urge to talk about how special and perfect Mosie Boo is and how much I love him- I better go call my mom!

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