Tuesday, January 26, 2016

If I could turn back time....

Is that super awesome Cher song stuck in your head now? You're welcome.

Anyhoo, I was just doing some housekeeping in the 'I have so many pictures on my phone that I probably should delete some' department and came across a few oldies but goodies....let's reminisce, shall we:

And of course....

Ahhhh, Good times, good times...Happy Wednesday:)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Artsy Fartsy

Last week in Toddlerville, we did an Art Review! I showed the Tods a number of famous (and some not so famous) works of art and simply asked, "What do you see??"

Their answers were both hilarious and insightful. Simple and complex. Amazing!

I must share:

Little artsy baby geniuses. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Crafty Corner: Wingin' It

Sometimes I get an idea in my head of something I want to make on my sewing machine. Sweet little visions of how to accomplish my idea (and how to avoid unwanted pitfalls) often swim thru my mind for a few days until I just have to get in there and see what happens!

Such an idea came to me as I was thinking of possible Christmas gift ideas for my niece J....she is way into writing and drawing in notebooks these days. A holder for notebooks and pens...that is cute...and personal...and made from my hands. Yes!

I was going to do a step by step tutorial keeping track along the way...but when you're wingin' it, the steps often take unexpected (and mistake filled) twists and turns...I didn't know if the outcome would be worth sharing. To my joyful delight, things came out pretty great...almost exactly how I saw it in my head a few days back...and all with fabric I already had from previous projects:

A little zoom in action of the interior:

I am quite pleased! So, the thought I'd like to share is to not be afraid to take those sweet little visions of creative thought and turn them into something! Even if you encounter problems or make mistakes along the way, you are bound to learn, sharpen your skills and be challenged. And maybe even have a pretty great little something to share with the world as a result!