Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Happy Birthday, my Mosie!

Today is Mosby Amundsen's birthday....he is 1:

Hahahahhaha! I am certain that this is your new favorite photo of all time. How can you resist such cuteness? Ok, as stated before, if you have an aversion to hearing thoughts about kitties from their slightly obsessed owners, now is the time to look away.

Things I have learned about Mosie since we became a family:

- His loves sitting in the windowsill on the porch to watch the birdies and the crazy albino squirrel frolic about in the yard...taunting him on a weekly basis with their freedom to roam the outdoors. He would sit there for hours if I let him. Also, the kitchen garden window is a close second.

- On a related note, he has had a taste of the great outdoors and rather enjoyed it. I got a harness/leash a few weeks ago and we gave it a try. He is quite the overachiever...getting used to such an apparatus with little protest when the instructions said it could take weeks. My little kitty genius. We will do more of this as the summer months unfold.

- He can climb/jump onto all things. So strong and agile! Like....from the chair in the living room to the table in the dining room. Sheesh!

- He still sleeps next to me every night and has gotten so much better at 'sleeping in' (he no longer walks across my head a million times in the early hours, hoping to rouse me from my bed to feed him when it's just not time). He does, however, feel it to be 100% appropriate to take full ownership of my pillow around the 6:00 hour to snooze a little more. I don't mind.

- He had his first hairball...awwwww. Good job, buddy! Just kidding, gross.

- He has very happy feelings for apples, raspberries, bananas and scrambled moderation of course.

- He thinks it is super fun to nibble (you could also read this as stalk, pounce and attack) my bare toes and ankles should I leave them exposed. It's actually not fun at all.

- He has the appearance of a skilled hunter and acts rather tough....but he often loses battles with small bugs due to uncertainty of their intent and a little bit of fear.

- He almost thinks it is a good idea for me to groom him without having to attack the brush. Almost.

- He loves the cat grass. 

- He and the shower curtain have a love/hate relationship.

- The laser pointer is his best friend. He gets super chirpy/happy when I go to retrieve it from the shelf and starts searching for it even before I light it up! It makes him crazy! He also is super good at catching stuff when I toss it into the air.

- He snuggles in the crook of my legs at night when I'm watching tv on the couch. I love that.

- He follows me around wherever I go and loves to have his tummy rubbed. He is just the sweetest and most lovey cat in all the land.

- He is pretty much my favorite! Happy Birthday Mosie Boo:)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bestirs Weekend 2015

I know I have already blasted the Instagram with oodles of photos from my trip out west this past weekend. But it was such fun that it bears repeating!

This group of ladies have been my dear friends for over 20 years and I am so thankful that we have made a strong effort to stay connected. I know we will be enjoying 'Bestirs Weekend' for many years to come.

Ok, you've been warned. Here we go:

Love you girls ❤️!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sequins & Sofas: 5 Things

It's time for another installment of 5 Things....just stuff I like and maybe you would like too:

1. Microwave egg cooker thingy- Not sure of the brand. I got mine at Target for like 3 bucks. My sister found some at Cub Foods for roughly the same amount. This little tool helps me whip up some scrambled eggs in a flash without having to scrub my skillet when I'm done. That makes me happy. Super easy to clean and less than 2 minutes to yummy eggs!

2. This brand of ice- Ok, kind of random but I don't have an ice maker in my fridge and this ice is little and easy to crunch (similar to the kind at IKEA if you are all familiar). Most ice in a bag is too big and not crunchable (I know, it's bad for your teeth...I don't care). This is even says its PUREfect right on the bag. So you know it's not gonna disappoint. I happened upon it at a gas station on University avenue....hahahaha. I go there just for ice now.

3. Oiselle sweatpants- Check out their website to see for yourself----Oiselle.
For real though, these sweatpants are the first thing I change into when I get home from work. They are the BEST. I was gifted this pair a few seasons ago (thanks KG) so I don't think you can score this exact style. But the current styles are equally as amazing.

4. Norwex Kitchen Cloths & Mesh Dish Cloth- Both of these items are my new kitchen favorites. I was tired of spraying my countertops down with chemicals but still needed a way to sanitize them safely (so Mosie could make his way to the garden window without being poisoned. Ok, that was a little overly dramatic...but you get the point). The kitchen cloths (grey and purple ones) are awesome! They lock in the grime without fear of cross contamination and come in a pack of 3 so there is always one around while the others may be in the wash. The mesh cloth replaced my dirty sponge wand and is also easily washable and dries quickly after use. Two thumbs up!

5. Trader Joe's Pesto- I just love all things basil. The smell makes me crazy with happiness. My new favorite meal with this product is a big bowl of spiral pasta, grape tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. Easy and so yummy! And it's a small jar which I like...because I don't end up wasting it! Win, Win.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sequins & Sofas: Tower Power

I've been thinking of providing my furry little friend Mosby with more options for climbing and exploring inside. But here's the problem:

Oh yeah, and there's this:

Seriously, does any cat tree manufacturer really expect someone to enjoy such an item with a total disregard for style amidst function? Blah, gross.

I did a Google search of 'not ugly cat towers' and there were a few that could pass as almost acceptable....if I had like $600 extra dollars lying around for such things (which I do not).

Moving on. Then it hit me...I have a brain that is fairly capable of imagining the kind of structure that fits the style of my home, skills to draft up a design thanks to my highschool architecture classes (thanks Mr. P) as well as a talented daddy that can build many things.

So the new plan is to build something that is fun for kitty as well as happy for my eyes to look at. Here's the rough plan:

Here's where it will go:

4 corner shelves, rounded at the front, cut outs at each level so Mosie can climb, carpet (but not ugly...classy and probably grey) on each level so he can dig his claws in, a few other extras like a sisal rope and stuff to entertain the little buddy, and all other exposed wood painted white to mirror the trim in the house and built ins I already have. Functional AND NOT UGLY. That's the goal. Stay tuned to see how it all shakes out!