Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Red Door Sale - 2014!

Are you looking for unique, handcrafted gifts for friends and family this holiday season? Well, I have an amazing shop to share with you that is a match made in Heaven...'s time once again for the annual Red Door Christmas Store! This shop is run by 2 fabulous ladies out of a charming and beautiful home in South Minneapolis. It opens in just a few weeks for 3 days DO NOT want to miss it!

Here are the details:
Dates: December 5-7
Hours: 10-6 daily
Address: 3121 16th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN

You will find a wide variety of hand crafted items made by local artisans! From Christmas decor to pottery, baby gifts to knit scarves, jewelry to handmade journals. There is a gift for all tastes and fancies!

Here's a little taste of what's to come:

You can find more details here on their official Facebook page!

More photos of items will be posted daily up until opening! Tell your friends, tell your family, shop, support your local artisans and have FUN!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Busy week...cute kids.

You know the drill. This girl has had zero time for creative projects and inspiring words. I offer you cute pictures of nieces and nephews...ok, and one of Mosby the cat. Happy Wednesday:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Toddler Talk: Potty Party

I just gotta share what my rockin' co-teacher 'C' came up with to aid our little toddler friends in the potty process:

'What is this?' you say.

Ok, so on the front of our diaper table at the entrance to the bathroom, each toddler has a mini laminated photo of themselves stuck to a strip of Velcro. Next to that is a photo of our bathroom (with our two toilets).

Here's how it works...a teacher calls a kiddo over for their turn to use the toilet. She reminds them to find their picture and stick it to the toilet they would like to use. They find it and stick it to the toilet.

'How is this helpful?' you are thinking.
We were having a little trouble with a few kids protesting the potty (even though they are undies wearers and it is not a choice). Instead of a battle, we offered them a question that required their input and action. It has totally been working! Even the new trainers are taking more ownership of the process....delight.

I feel like this could be a helpful tool for those parents entering the toilet training phase with their tot. A pic of your potty, laminated photos of the people in your family who use that potty and a little sticky Velcro. Hilarious and effective:)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sequins & Sofas: 5 Things (Mosby Edition)

It's been awhile since I've posted about a few of my favorite things. And since Mosby the Cat is my most favorite, I shall share some things that he really likes:

1. Little toys that crinkle- It doesn't really matter what it is, he will hunt it down like a jungle tiger...although he does seem to be partial to the little mice. He is such a kitty cliche...

2. Brushes- I'll be honest, they are not exactly his favorite yet. But he is getting better and does enjoy the massaging purple kitty shaped rubber brush. He will indulge me to brush half of him with the other and then squirms away. I intend for he and the metal brush to become best friends after more practice.

3. The Kitty Tunnel- After weeks of ignoring this item (that I though he would love from the get go), he has finally decided that it is worth checking out. He likes to chomp on the bristles and even hang out inside to scratch to his little heart's content.

4. Toys on strings- These are a must have. I want to raise a respectful and kind kitty (one who welcomes being pet and doesn't nibble/chomp at such an action) and the vet informed me that a good way to do this is to keep hands out of the rough play equation. He is definitely ready to run and pounce when I get home from work...and instead of my legs and hands becoming his latest victims, I offer him these. He chases them around like a (super crazy) champ...and then falls asleep. Cats.

5. Target brand kitty litter- Ok, I don't know if this is his favorite or not...but he has not complained so far. I like it because it is inexpensive, clumps nicely and keeps odors at bay. Gross. But 2 thumbs up, Target.