Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sequins & Sofas: 5 Things

Some everyday things that make my heart smile...

1. Youngblood Brow Artiste- Many moons have I been searching for an eyebrow helper that actually works. Something simple that just fills in the desired areas without making me look like an eyebrow clown. I have tried lots of different pencils and such that left me feeling less than pleased. But finally, my pal J gifted this set to me and its just what I needed...2 pressed powder shades of brown and a waxy/creamy 3rd one that sets them in place like a dream. 

2. My Favorite Blend- I am currently quite partial to the combo of these three oils in my diffuser. Calming, light and happy. I have been diffusing nothing else for weeks...can't stop...wooooo!

3. LaCroix Sparkling Water- This was a staple drink in my home as a child. I forgot about it for many years and have (in the past year) rediscovered my love for LaCroix. Orange is my new favorite but lemon pairs nicely with a splash of cranberry juice in a cup of ice.

4. Norwex Baby Body Pack- 3 little washcloths..with little tags that can hang on a hook. It's handy to hang one in the shower...for a little facial exfoliation party and for when I just washed my hair and can't see and need to wipe my eyes (I'm just like a whiney, little toddler...water in my eyes, Ahhhh. I hate that.)

5. Simple Balsamic Vinegarette- It's nothing special, but it's really easy and very yummy and I can make just enough for one salad whenever I want without it going to waste. My favorite is to pair it with mixed greens, strawberries, sunflower seeds and a little cheese. Mmmmmm, good.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Toddler Talk: 5 Little Monkeys

My co-teacher C made a pretty stellar dramatic play set for the Tods this week and I have to share!

Supplies- Brown kids sized hats, felt of various 'monkey' colors, hot glue gun, needle and thread, wide elastic for the tails to attach to (preferably brown):

If you are not familiar with the song, let me help:

5 little monkeys jumping on the bed. 
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,' NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!'

So...4 little monkeys jumped on the bed...you get the idea.

We set up a platform with a headboard and pillows as the 'bed' for the kids to jump on (and off of). Added some old phones (to call the doctor) and a bucket of ace bandages in various lengths (for all the monkey first aid needs upon falling off their monkey beds).

They have been LOVING it:

And an injured monkey all bandaged up:

Ouch, little monkey. Are you ok? ...NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING IN YHE BED!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

707 Film Fest- 2016!

It's that time of year again where the talented folks of Hope Community Church gather together for the 707 Film Fest...

...an evening where we view over 35 amazing films written, filmed and starred in by many of our own. We dress up all fancy like, eat popcorn, fellowship and then we give out awards. It's a hoot!

The rules: 
1. All films must be 5 minutes or less
2. You must remain true to the genre that you were assigned via random draw.
3. All must use the same prop- a mask
4. All must use the same line of dialogue:
'Get it before the greedy people do'
5. All must remain family friendly
6. All participants MUST have LOTS of fun while creating, filming and viewing!

Team Starsheep drew 'Monster/Creature' this year! What to do???

 Luckily, someone on the team had purchased some crazy masks a few weeks prior to possibly use in future films. You never know when you will need a good mask, right? With the required prop being a mask, it was a no brainier that at least one would have its shining moment on this very film.

 And boy, did it shine....we present 'All That Glitters is Not Gold':

We took home a few awards for this little gem- 'Best Lead Female Performance' and 'Most Awkward Moment'...yes!

My small group (Team Satrout) also did an AMAZING job with their film and the audience loved it! I am so proud of all their hard work, creative ideas and superior acting skills to put together a quality film...which took home some well earned awards as well- Best Lead Male Performance and Best Poster: 

What a crew! I present to you...Unsolved Mysteries of Hope Community Church
It was truly a great night of Film Fest-ing! Here are a few more of my favorites from the evening...enjoy:

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sequins & Sofas: Mantel Schmantel

After the winter holidays, I was thinking of changing up my mantel with some new decorations. Here's how it looked then (picture not so great...it's all I could find):

Then life happened and I forgot/had no time...so I left it.

A month or so ago, I was minding my own business relaxing on the couch with a snack and a blankie. Suddenly, my adventurous (you could also read this as naughty) kitty jumped right up there and knocked a bunch of stuff over. Garland strewn about, little paintings on easels crashing to the ground, kitties flying into neighboring rooms out of shock and fright. Luckily, the large glass vase filled with rocks & reeds and stuff remained and did not crash down into a million dagger-like shards upon the floor.

This did, however, get me thinking that it will only be a matter of time before that vase will fall victim to his little mischievous paws. The time for change was now.

I tried to choose some items that A) I was not sentimentally attached to, B) achieved some degree of mantel cuteness and C) wouldn't shatter or injure Mr. Mose should he get a little too curious:

I'm pretty satisfied for now with what's happening on this here mantel...we will see how it weathers the storm of feline investigation in the next few weeks.

Also, do any of you have a mantel? How do you like to jazz it up? Looking for more creative ideas for future mantel re-decs....sharing is caring:)

Also again, spelling the word 'mantel' is hard...I had to look it up on the internets to make sure it was right...true story.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady

I'm not sure if you have heard, but I LOVE my cat. Like, so much. For those of you who are pet owners, I know you understand. For those of you who are not, it's ok....we can still be friends. Meow.

Mosby and I have been a family for almost a year and a half and in that time, I have learned some things. I have learned that I am way better at taking care of animals than plants....that having a fur buddy makes daily life quite enjoyable...and that Mosie is undoubtedly the King of this St. Paul castle.

Upon further reflection, I have also observed in myself some behaviors that might lead one to believe that I am indeed a proud member of the 'Crazy Cat Lady' club. And I am 100% ok with it. 

So much so that I have decided to share some of the best with you...a top 10 of my most favorite 'I'm for sure in the Club' moments. In part, I share to reassure the pet loving readers out there that you are not alone and don't have to keep your 'crazy' all bottled up inside...share it with the world, let your freak flag fly!

Also I share just to offer you some happy Wednesday giggles of fun. Ready? Me too:

1. I ask him how his day was and how he spent his time when I get home from work. Actually, we have lots of chats about lots of things. Ok, fine...I talk to my cat. 

2. I love seeing his cute little nose prints on the window where he watches for birdies and squirrels. Sometimes if I see a happy squirrel friend out there, I let him know to come check it out....yikes lady, really? Yes.

3. I leave the IPod on for him when I go to work to enrich his listening environment while I am away. That's not sooo crazy, I suppose. But, I do make sure to change up the artist every few days so he doesn't get sick of the same songs. And, there it is.

4. I have lots of names for him which include, but are not limited to: Bubba, Mose, Boo Boo, Mosie Love Bug, Mosie Boo, Love, Honey, Baby Boo, Boodle

5. Sometimes I really want to move my legs or turn over when I'm sleeping...but I can't... because Mosie is just too cute and comfy and stretched out right in the middle of the bed. So I don't. 

6. I fill his water bowl with the Britta filtered water, because it's cleaner and healthier. Right? No regular, run of the mill tap water for my love.

7. I hide a few little treats around the house before I leave for work so he has some tasty surprises for later. I'm sure he finds and devours them right away, but in my head he slowly uncovers them throughout the day in a magical treasure hunt of fun.

8. On cold winter nights, I cover him up with a blankie at bedtime. I know that fur is nature's blanket and he is totally fine, but what if he gets chilly and feels sad about that? 

9. He has more toys than he could possibly want or use in a lifetime. Like a whole big basket full of crinkle balls, little mice, things with bells, things on strings, things that spin, catnip filled things, things to chew, things to scratch, a giant rat and one stuffed avocado (just because).

10. I often turn the tv on if I leave for the evening....ya know, so Mosie has something to watch and be entertained while I'm gone. But I make sure it's a happy show. I don't want him exposed to all that violence and inappropriate content. 

Bonus: I vacuumed him last week with the brush attachment because he rolled around in some dirty stuff and how else was I supposed to get it off his fur? Worked like a charm and I would do it again.

So there you go. I hope you enjoyed spending a little time exploring the inner workings of a Crazy Cat Lady's mind. It's a happy place...and I'm loving it:)

**(original 'Cat Lady' art work by Kaitlin Reiss. Follow more of her cute art and life on Instagram and on her newly developed Website...She is lovely, just lovely.)