Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Home for the Holidays: 2014

Christmas up North this year was lovely. Cute kids, a pretty tree, good food at a fancy table, Mosby's first vacation, gift exchange and big girl jammies. The weekend in review:

Cute Kids:

A Pretty Tree (with an added bonus of those cute kids again):

Good Food:

At a Fancy Table:

Mosby's First Vacation (He loved Z and Hanko's house and their magical tree):

Family Gift Exchange (I was the lucky recipient of the 'secret gift' tradition this addition to a gift from my mama who drew my name, I also was blessed with little gifts from everyone else as well! Cozy Socks, a sweet portable cooler for the patio, a yummy scented oil with reeds, and this doorstop kitty....belonged to my grandma and was repainted by my Daddio to look just like Mosie. He now sits at my fireplace):

My gifts this year...they required the recipient to draw what they thought might be inside with the provided crayons before being allowed to open it:

And last, but certainly not least....the Yeti by Oiselle (aka our big girl jammies). Nothing could be better than this picture right here....except for a Jammie backflap according to sister B:

An added bonus...the best family Christmas photo we have ever taken...

....aside from the fact, of course, that a few key peeps were missing...wish you could have joined us, lovie and Merry Christmas:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

'For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.'
Isaiah 9:6-7

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Some cute girls...and Mosie.

It's almost the Christmas holiday...which means wonderful time spent with family and a little break from life.
But that time is not today...I am swamped. Cute nieces:

And cute kitty:

Have a happy Wednesday:)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Crafty Corner: Ho, Ho, Ho

In keeping with the theme of holiday cheer, I felt it was finally time to get my decoration on and prepare my home for its first Christmas.

Since kitty is more than excited to play with (you can read this as seek out and destroy) shiny things or any new and interesting objects, having a tree inside the house was for sure out of the question....maybe when he is old and grey (or maybe just old, since he is already grey...seriously, why am I so funny??)

But, no worries! I still have a 3 season front porch that was screaming for some lights and ornaments:

My 'tree':

Some of the ornaments are quite special...handed down from my mama with great memories of decorating back in the day with the sibs. We always fought over who got to hide this one in a special place:

Inside, I did have one area that is yet to be reached by Mosie's little paws...the mantel. I bought a little bit of pearly garland, a Christmas birdie with a hat and bow tie (because I just had to...hello, he is wearing a bow tie), and then realized that we MUST have Christmas stockings.

Luckily I had oodles of scrap fabric lying around in my craft closet! I chose a few and got to work.

Sidenote: I really do need to learn how to read and follow sewing patterns someday, but until then I feel satisfied with winging it and following the evolving plans inside my head. So, my Christmas stockings are not perfect by any means...but I still love them!

I started by cutting a rough 'pattern' (one big...for me, one small...for Mosby):

I then placed then over my green duck cloth fabric and left about 3/4 inch seam allowance around the edges as I cut:

Next, I had to work out the plan in my head a little so it wouldn't turn into a Griswold Christmas disaster kind of situation. I first free handed a few letters (in purple) and then sewed to the front:

Next, I sewed a few pieces of fancy fabric together which would be the top of the stocking in the end. I wanted it to look finished and nice (again, there are most definitely better ways to accomplish this I am sure...but my knowledge of such things are still growing). Anyway, I measured out how far down the stocking I wanted to fancy fabric to go, cut 2 pieces and sewed them along the top and bottom edges fancy sides in, reversed them right side out and then ironed the tube I had made flat. I made sure to have the fabric overhang on each side when it was placed on top of the stocking piece, then I sewed it in place along the bottom edge:

I did this for both pieces and then stuck them together outsides in, pinned in place and sewed all the way around the stocking (leaving the top open obviously so Santa will have a place to put all our Christmas trinkets). I then cut away all the excess fabric:

Turned it right side out and...ta-da....jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way:

I added a little fabric hook to each so they could be hung by the (fake) chimney with care:

Magical Christmas mantel.....check ✔️! I'm really happy with how they turned out...took just a few hours and now my little buddy and I are ready for some Christmas cheer:)

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

More from the 'Red Door'!

Ok, just a few days away! Are you going to the Red Door?

Here are a few more pics of what you can expect to find:

When: December 5-7
Hours: 10-6 daily
Where: 3121 16th Ave S.
Minneapolis, MN 55407
Why: Because you just have to. It's that amazing!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Red Door Sale - 2014!

Are you looking for unique, handcrafted gifts for friends and family this holiday season? Well, I have an amazing shop to share with you that is a match made in Heaven...'s time once again for the annual Red Door Christmas Store! This shop is run by 2 fabulous ladies out of a charming and beautiful home in South Minneapolis. It opens in just a few weeks for 3 days DO NOT want to miss it!

Here are the details:
Dates: December 5-7
Hours: 10-6 daily
Address: 3121 16th Avenue S.
Minneapolis, MN

You will find a wide variety of hand crafted items made by local artisans! From Christmas decor to pottery, baby gifts to knit scarves, jewelry to handmade journals. There is a gift for all tastes and fancies!

Here's a little taste of what's to come:

You can find more details here on their official Facebook page!

More photos of items will be posted daily up until opening! Tell your friends, tell your family, shop, support your local artisans and have FUN!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Busy week...cute kids.

You know the drill. This girl has had zero time for creative projects and inspiring words. I offer you cute pictures of nieces and nephews...ok, and one of Mosby the cat. Happy Wednesday:

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Toddler Talk: Potty Party

I just gotta share what my rockin' co-teacher 'C' came up with to aid our little toddler friends in the potty process:

'What is this?' you say.

Ok, so on the front of our diaper table at the entrance to the bathroom, each toddler has a mini laminated photo of themselves stuck to a strip of Velcro. Next to that is a photo of our bathroom (with our two toilets).

Here's how it works...a teacher calls a kiddo over for their turn to use the toilet. She reminds them to find their picture and stick it to the toilet they would like to use. They find it and stick it to the toilet.

'How is this helpful?' you are thinking.
We were having a little trouble with a few kids protesting the potty (even though they are undies wearers and it is not a choice). Instead of a battle, we offered them a question that required their input and action. It has totally been working! Even the new trainers are taking more ownership of the process....delight.

I feel like this could be a helpful tool for those parents entering the toilet training phase with their tot. A pic of your potty, laminated photos of the people in your family who use that potty and a little sticky Velcro. Hilarious and effective:)