Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Red Door- Spring Sale 2014

The time has come! This weekend, 'The Red Door' is open for business:

Wanna see a few of the beautiful, handmade items you will find? Ok:

Wow, right? See you there!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sequins & Sofas: 5 Things

Some things I like:

1. ThirtyOne Lunch Bag- I use this bad boy like every day. Insulated, a perfect size and you can put your name on it. Who doesn't love that. If you don't know a ThirtyOne salesperson, I think you can just go online and find products that way.

2. Ak Mak Sesame Crackers- These are a healthy, crunchy little cracker that are delicious with hummus, peanut butter or any other tasty spread you got goin' on.

3. Condiment Cups- I think I got these at Crate & Barrel but you can find them in any kitchen section of home-type stores I am sure. They are perfect for your ketchup, syrup or any other dipping agent...

4. Toms- Ok, I have jumped on the bandwagon of Toms Shoes. For quite a few years now, I have been torn between deciding if these are hideous or awesome. But a trip out to sunny California this winter confirmed for me that they are indeed awesome. Cute patterns, really comfy. And if you buy a pair, a kid in need gets a pair. Boom.

5. Core Kitchens Spatula- I got this as a gift from a lovely friend and it is SWEET! You can use it for pretty much every cooking adventure. Plus it is pink, so that's fun! I think she found it at Patina (another favorite you should definitely check out).

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Toddler Talk: Sensory Play

The life of a toddler is centered around what they experience with their senses. Everything is heightened...from sound to sight, touch to taste. Why do some Tods put all objects in their mouth? They are taking in information and exploring. Why do they like toys that make exciting sounds? Curiosity and exploration. Cause and effect. Why do they move and groove to anything with a beat? Their senses are captured by the sound and they have to respond.

Sensory input is so important in the developmental progress of young minds. We try to fill our classroom with a plethora of sensory experiences- art projects, instruments, sensory table filled with tools and things to scoop and dump, books and get the idea.

Another new item we have added lately is our 'Sensory Bucket'. It's filled with random objects of varying textures/sizes/functions for the kiddos to explore....we plan to add new items as we find interesting things we think will stimulate their senses!

This could be a fun project to work on at home with your child. Decorate a bucket, search around the house and out in nature and add items to the bucket for exploration. The sky is the limit....just make sure the items are not chokable:)

Take the bucket out as an activity to do together...or let them explore on their own. Fun!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Red Door: Almost here!

Ok, I have had an overly busy (and a little stressful) week and have not had a moments time to prepare new and exiting things to share with you. Except I am well on my way to finishing the items I am selling at the Red Door Boutique this May! Wanna see?

Here's one:

And it's reversible:

Lots of fabric patterns to choose from...hope to see you there (specifics on details for the store to come later this month, so stay tuned)!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

You bought a WHAT????

So it is quite possible that today I may have bought a house. Yep, a house.

It's been a crazy few days. I had spent the good part of last year house hunting. Nothing really came to fruition- a few houses that were nice, a few offers that were outbid, a few tears. And so I decided to put the whole home ownership plan on hold for the foreseeable future.

Just a few weeks ago, in fact, I was chatting with some dear friends about my new 'Life Plan'. Embrace apartment living once again and buckle down to finish off the last of my debt (those pesky student loans and car payments). After some number crunching, I figured I could be debt free in a little under 2 years...boom goes the dynamite. I was happy with this plan and ready for the challenge.

Then came this past Sunday. You see, I still get listings from my dear friend/awesome realtor ( and check it from time to time just for giggles. And there it was. A little house that I remember seeing last year at the end of my search. For some reason, I never actually went to look at it then. But here it was again, back on the market and waiting for wanted me to visit was having an Open House.

With no real intention of a future purchase, I met Liz there and we walked in 'just to look'. It was lovely. It was perfect.

Small (Like 700 square feet of small. I thrive on such a space as this. I'm giddy, and maybe a smidge crazy), totally rebuilt and move in ready whilst maintaining the charm of an old 1920's build, in a densely populated/richly diverse urban neighborhood that is teeming with potential, in a price range that I could actually afford without hesitation.

Huh. I have to laugh. Isn't it amazing sometimes how the Lord moves and orchestrates your life for your good...even in times when you think it would better be orchestrated differently. Even when you resist His gift of perfect timing and tell Him your plan is better. Like maybe your new 'Life Plan'.

There are still a few hurdles to jump through before i am home- inspections, appraisals (that's the scary one), closing dates, etc. But I see this blessing unfolding before me and I am hopeful. I am excited. I am amazed. His plan is my plan.

Also, here is a picture of my cute little niece 'P'...because as I said before, every good blog post must include at least one picture: