Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sewin' Stuff: My Keyboard Keeper

Have I mentioned how much I am digging my Bluetooth Keyboard for my phone? I feel like a technology master with such a mighty little tool at my fingertips! I am fully aware that a Bluetooth keyboard is not actually at all groundbreaking when it comes to the top technology must-haves of 2017, but for me....it's simply dazzling!

And when I love something a lot, I sometimes think, "How can I create a safe and cozy little place for it to live?" Hence, I spent time this weekend creating a 'Keyboard Keeper' for my new best friend:

Measured the keyboard to approximate the needed fabric:

 Chose the fabric- a sturdy duck cloth for the exterior and a soft fleece for the inside (ya know, so the keyboard would feel warm) and then sized it up to make sure it would fit:

Sewed a hem on both vertical sides:

Then on the bottom edge:

Sidenote: Rarely do I have a sewing project plan that I don't make some kind of rookie mistake...at this point, I should have sewn on the Velcro pieces before stitching up the sides (easier access). But I'm not working from a pattern here, so I didn't, and I survived. Next time I make a Keyboard Keeper, I will remember. But I just want to encourage you that it's ok to make mistakes (in crafting and in life). That's how we learn, sharpen our skills and gain confidence to create new and delightful things!

Continuing on...I slid the keyboard inside just to check how I was doing (pretty good) and then sewed up the 2 sides:

Hemmed the top edge:

And lastly, the Velcro:

Done! My keyboard now has a safe and happy home:

I love you, little Keyboard.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

My Girls ❤

I made my way to sunny California a few weeks ago to spend time with the Johnson's...an annual trip that I very much look forward to! Even though it is been 5 years since I was their nanny back here in MN, we will forever be family....and I love that.

We don't make big plans while I'm there- mostly I just feel happy to spend time with the whole crew as they live life. And it's warm, so that's nice too.

A few highlights:
- Having a 'stay home' day with the 3 youngest when mama had to work at the salon. We watched movies, took a walk with the puppy, ate Oreos and did some coloring.
-Dinner with G...just me and the big girl (Who is graduating this year, what????). Also, sharing a room with G was delightful....nothing is better than a 4 day sleepover.
-Helping mama choose some appliances for their kitchen remodel...being more of an emotional support than an actual chooser (buying appliances is stressful!)
-Getting a pedi for my sad, neglected Minnesota winter toes.
-Watching the High School Boys Bball team in their first State Tourney game. They lost but it was still a thrilling night- I love those teenagers and their crazy High School Spirit! Plus, free popcorn:)
-Buying my annual pair of new Toms shoes. This year, something lacy white and kind of sparkly. Fancy.
-Snuggling with Sunny the dog and selecting a new doggy toy for her doggy enjoyment. She loved it!
-Getting my hair done by the World Master of Blonding- Still loving it, Jenny. You are such a talent with the tresses and I love that you know my hair so well ❤.
-And last (but certainly not least), the Cobb Salad at Melvins. I have dreams about this salad for a whole year until I eat it once again. It's just that good. Oh great...now I'm thinking about it again.

The visual aids:



Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Festivaling of Films- 2017

This past weekend was the 8th annual Hope Community Church Film Fest! 34 masterpieces were written, filmed, edited and enjoyed by fellow Hopesters...and an awards ceremony followed with 'fancy' golden star trophies. Our film was chosen to receive 3 awards - Best Soundtrack, Most Creative, and Audience Favorite. What an honor!

This year, instead of drawing a specific genre, each team drew a theme. Team Starsheep was assigned 'A day in the Life of....' 
Prop: A Snow Sled
Required Line of Dialogue: So....it's come to this.

And some more of my favorites from the magical, star studded evening:

Jelly Toast:

You've Got Hate Mail:

Self Centaured:

Found in Translation:

Spy Girls: The Cookie Heist:

A Guy's Day:

The Kristiania Match Workers Strike of 1889:

Border Things:

Back to the Future:

It was a wonderful night filled with the talents and creative collaborations of so many different groups of Hopesters! Building a strong community one Film Fest at a time...and I can't wait for next year:)

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Yikes...Bikes. Hey, that rhymes!

I used to own a bike. As a 'just-graduated-from-college-but-still-have-no-money' girl back in the day, I faithfully rode my bike to and from work each day. 3ish miles...no big deal. I was young and had the energy for such things.

But after establishing some steady income with my first full time teaching position, I was in a place where I felt ready to (possibly) purchase my first car!

I was cautiously optimistic that I could find a reasonable means of transportation within my limited budget- and I did indeed.

I became the proud owner of a white 4 door manual Kia Sephia with roll down windows and 'open with your fingers and not a key fob' door locks. No frills, no extras. But it got the job done and I was excited!

So excited, in fact, that I left my poor little mountain bike locked up outside on the rack all winter long and totally forgot that I owned it. I remembered that I had it in the springtime when the snow had melted away and it was a bit sad and rusty....its riding days were done. Oops. 

That was the last time I rode a bike. Fast forward to the now. My dear pal 'A' and I are fond of taking adventures together and discussed how delightful it might be to take bike rides around town this summer. Just picture it- two gals on their cute cruisers with baskets in the front for baguettes and fresh flowers, happy bike bells ringing as they glide along in their freshly pressed sundresses and straw hats, soaking in the mid-day summer sun. Here are a few visual aids just to help capture the essence:

We were feeling pretty jazzed about this dream and planned a weekend 'Bikes and Brunch' date to begin our research on the bikes that would best meet our needs. We brought her husband along too because he has the gift of practicality and has much knowledge about bike stuff. He would be the one to help us look for more than just 'cute' as a reason for purchase. We decided that our criteria would fit the following:


The three 'C's....kind of. Hehehe.

We headed to a few local shops and were given good info about the size frame that would fit our bodies best and an estimate of what different styles/brands of bikes would cost. 

We had also been looking online at a few companies that don't sell in stores that could be promising options.

With all the info in hand, we regrouped and discussed our options after brunch (B T Dubs. I had the most delicious, cheesy, creamy quiche ever to exist and it was perfect). 

'A' had shown me the website for Public Bikes a few weeks previous and they were still high on my list of possibilities after chatting with the local bike shop. We took a gander once again and they were having a SUPER sale on one bike in particular. But it was red....not what I was thinking originally that I wanted. In my dreams, I for sure pictured myself strolling along in something pinkish or turquoise- the ultimate of cuteness.

After giving it a little thought, I decided that I had to take advantage of such a great deal (cost efficient), knowing it was made well (quality), and that it was still high enough on the cuteness scale to meet all my needs. I hadn't ridden on a bike, after all, in so many years. I didn't have to reintroduce myself to the world of biking by purchasing the Cadillac right out of the gate....

...so I'd like to introduce my new friend (yet to be named):

It's being shipped as we speak and I am quite excited for its maiden voyage onto the mean streets of StP....we will indeed collect wildflowers in our baskets, purchase fresh baguettes from the local bakery (or at least a donut. I love donuts), and feel the wind in our hair as we explore the beautiful Minnesota cityscape that surrounds us! Well, at least the cityscape within a 3 mile radius....cause let's be honest, that's about as far as this old gal's body will take her at the start:)