Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Busy Bee...🐝

I am definitely in a season of life that allows little or no time for sitting down to craft something, create something new or even think of possible projects that I hope to try out in the near's a little nutty around here!

But the nuttiness is good. In just a few short weeks, I will be closing on my very first house. Eeeekkkk. This thought is both scary (can I really afford to do this, I am gonna have to learn to mow a lawn, it's possible that someday there may be clogged sinks or flooded basements...all my responsibility) and exciting (gonna grow some raspberries and basil in the back yard, a real life garage for my car, a whole 5 rooms to decorate how ever my little heart desires, and a screened in porch to enjoy the breeze of the outdoors as the hungry mosquitoes linger outside....far away from my sensitive skin)!

I have been preparing a little for the move this past week, and I have to say.....I have made some major progress in the de-cluttering front. I just have to share because, well, I feel quite accomplished and satisfied with my new found freedom.

Sorted through 6 Tupperware bins of old college papers, childhood junk, CD's, books....tossed 2 bags of garbage, donated 2 boxes of unwanted items. Check.

Went through each item of clothing that I own and ended up with a giant box to give away....I was definitely in a mood to purge because I even tossed all the items that I've been telling myself,"Well, I might wear that someday. Just not today....". Nope, never actually gonna wear that. Gone. Check.

Organized all craft items....paper, stickers, yarn, fabric, ribbon, buttons. You name it, it's organized.

Tackled years worth of sensitive documents meant for the shredder....a big box of bills, paycheck stubs, etc that ended up being 8 bags of shredded delightfulness. I thought for a moment to bring some to my classroom for the kiddos to play with....but then I remember that someone would have to probably clean it all up at the So in the trash it went. Check.

Organized and relabeled important documents that I actually need. I now have one file box of taxes, warrenties, etc, newly tabbed and lovely. It would only have been better if I owned a label maker...those things are fun. Check.

Tossed out all the old makeup, hair products, lotions that have accumulated over the years....a sea of almost empty bottles and jars that 'I could probably squeeze out one last drop or scrape a little off the side'....really? Nope. Never gonna do that. Gone. Check.

Last project to attack next week is the kitchen.

But I feel free. Free from stuff that has been cluttering my mind and my (tiny) dwelling for years. Thankful for the move so I have a chance to rid myself of the madness....

I'm going into this new life stage with things that I actually use, and with a perspective that none of it really matters in the grand scheme of things (even the stuff that I really like and that brings me joy). I am reminded of how blessed I am to have so much that it takes me days to purge my life of what I don't even use.

I want to start this new adventure with a thankful heart. The Lord has orchestrated every piece of this endeavor....He has blessed me with peace, perfect timing and a space so well suited to my needs that it's crazy!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Splendid Friend Indeed

I have been thinking a lot this past year about things that matter and trying to let go of things that don't. Friendships matter. Dear, lifelong friendships that mean so much to me....

I have been blessed with some pretty great friends. Many people who care deeply about my life and have invested their lives right back into mine.

This past weekend, I traveled across the land to visit a few of those special people. A crew of ladies from my teenage days....they are the kind of friends that you may not see for a year (or longer) but feel instantly right at home the moment you are reunited. I am thankful for these ladies.

I feel blessed to have oodles of shared (hilarious) memories with them, to feel comfortable sharing my current joys and struggles- knowing that they are some of my greatest supporters thru it all, and to get excited about future plans and dreams!

We had a great time and I guess I just wanted to let them know that I think they are pretty amazing....I am so happy to keep our friendship growing after all these years and I am excited to see where the future will take us!

I don't know if you have similar friendships as these in your life....or perhaps have let time and distance separate you from those you cherish. My encouragement in either case is to spend your life on things that matter. Give that special pal a phone call, write a letter (pen pals are cool and so is getting mail), or get on a plane and have a visit! There is no time better spent!

Sidenote: Miranda, I'm comin' to you next!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Oh my!

So, it's been such a busy few weeks that I forgot to blog today! In the mix of buying a house and taking a little vacation this week, my mind has been a scatter!

With no profound words of wisdom to share today, I give you cute pictures of my niece P!

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Crafty Corner: What's your Sign??

I was home visiting my parents this past weekend and had a chance to do a little project with my daddy.

I had seen a cool wall art thingy on 'Apartment Therapy' a bunch of months ago...

My dad was in the basement doing some work on a new en-suite bathroom for the guest I popped down to see if he had any supplies to help me with my little woodworking adventure.

'Hey Dad, do you happen to have any old wood boards down here that I could make this?'

He directed me to a lovely selection of well organized boards and doors that had been collected over the years. A few too big, some too new....then the perfect little tongue and groove 5 panel pantry door!

'Its a little too long, can we cut it down?'

He grabbed his circular saw and t-square and cut it to my exact specifications!

We found some thin metal brackets to secure to the back for stability (which he cut to size with a hacksaw) and added a picture hanger! Boom.

It was just as I had pictured it in my mind....better than the original website inspiration really. Here's the back:

The wood is well over 100 years old...perfectly imperfect. I chose a phrase to paint on the front, traced it out on paper to get the spacing right, and carefully painted my letters to finish the job. So happy with the final product and I can't wait to hang it up...thanks daddy!