Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Whole New World!!

First of all, I want to thank all of you who read and shared my post from last week about the current financial funding losses my Preschool is experiencing. I don't know if it will make a difference in the long run, but over 900 of you took the time to hear our story and your kind words were healing to our CCCC hearts! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

For my own mental health, I need to take a break from the trials of life for a bit and share with you 2 recent life updates that are a revolution to my very soul:

1. A nightstand with drawers:

Now, this may not be news to anyone else, but a nightstand with drawers is AMAZING! For many years, I had a little table (I think it actually used to be a wooden plant stand) that was my Papa's. It was a sentimental piece and I loved it. Then came Mosby...and nothing could be left on it for him to 'investigate' (you could also read this as 'find and destroy'). He is too good of an investigator. It came time to retire the old plant stand friend. I just purchased and assembled this little lovely a few days ago and it is such a delight to have a place for my chapstick, tissues, my bible and even a pen right next to my bed. What? Can it be? All these items just an arm's length away from my sleep head? Seriously a life changer.

2. A Keyboard for my phone:

You may be asking yourself what the big deal is. Let me tell you- I am kind of stuck in the dark ages (by choice) when it comes to technology. I have never owned a computer, never had the internet in my house or past apartments and have been blogging from my phone since its birth. I think I like the simplicity of not having total access to the world when I get home. Plus, smart phones are really smart and can do lots of stuff. 

My one internal complaint- its hard to type a long blog with just my thumbs! It takes forever and sometimes i get cramps- hahaha, true story.

Then, a few days ago a wise friend with much technology knowledge kindly bought me this keyboard- I didn't even know such things existed! It's controlled by some magical force called the 'Bluetooth'...and it is a true delight. I am thankful for the speed at which I am now able to blog it up!

Ok, that is all.  Be kind, do your best, find joy in the little things, Happy Wednesday:)