Tuesday, April 25, 2017

HGTV-ing it UP!

So, some pretty major stuff has occurred in my household in the past few weeks...it all started with an innocent phone call for a routine A/C unit tune up.

I got a flyer in the mail and thought it might be a good idea to find out the life status of my current A/C unit before summer hit. A kind inspection dude came to the house and confirmed as I suspected- it was old!! Like, installed in 1982 old. Although it still was functional, it was most certainly a money sucker and sure to fail at any moment.

I had planned in my head to eventually replace it so I guess that time had come. With the A/C inspection came a routine furnace exam as well....I thought nothing of it since my furnace was installed new in 2012. Those things last forever, right?

Well, yes. Unless your old a/c coil has been leaking water on all the important internal furnace parts and making them all rusty and in danger of fracture (probably from the day of its 2012 install). Booooo! The guy gave me a nice (expensive) quote on a new system and I then did what any girl would do who doesn't know what to do....I called my dad.

He wisely suggested that I get a second opinion (and a second quote), so I called the best realtor in town (my good friend Liz whom you should contact if you ever want to buy a house: https://tchousetohome.com/). 

She had a company for me that she had done business with on several occasions and whole heartedly trusted to do good work.

Phew...thankful for people who know people! I emailed the guy and he called me like 3 minutes later. Now that's service. I shared the problem and the quote from the first company and he was shocked! He assured me that his company could install a better system for 1/2 the cost. Done. 

Long story short, a week later my house was equipped with a brand new, high efficiency system and I am so thankful! And in true HGTV fashion, they got it all done in less than a day. Magic!

Sidenote: If you are in need of HVAC repair or replacement, I'm happy to share the info on the company I used- let me know! They were awesome:)

I continue to be blessed and cared for with ownership of this home. Every time something major happens and I feel overwhelmed and want to cry like a little baby, God sends me people with knowledge, skills and kindness to calm me down and help me figure it out. I don't know much, but I do know that He chose and prepared this home for me at just the right time. And I am thankful.

Ok, HGTV episode #2:
I was feeling inspired by my little sis (who spruced up the front door of her home with some fancy paint action):

The same week, my HGTV Mag arrived in the mail and featured a 'Pops of Color'  section. Ok, it's settled. My front door was gonna POP! 

Grey house.....Pink door. Right? 

Eeeekkkkk. I'm in love with this color. I also freshened up the frame with a new coat of white, replaced the house numbers and spray painted all the rusty railings black...all that's left is to add some plant-ish accessory to the stoop. 

Fresh for summer and done in just a few hours! 

HGTV Episode #3:

Ok, not a huge project, but I got new couch pillows and I like them. They make Sunday naps so much better and were a much needed living room update:

Future HGTV Episodes planned for production...a minor kitchen update 2017, painting the back door to match the front, a coffee table revamp, and some little backyard projects. Stay tuned.

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