Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Toddler Talk: Potty Party

I just gotta share what my rockin' co-teacher 'C' came up with to aid our little toddler friends in the potty process:

'What is this?' you say.

Ok, so on the front of our diaper table at the entrance to the bathroom, each toddler has a mini laminated photo of themselves stuck to a strip of Velcro. Next to that is a photo of our bathroom (with our two toilets).

Here's how it works...a teacher calls a kiddo over for their turn to use the toilet. She reminds them to find their picture and stick it to the toilet they would like to use. They find it and stick it to the toilet.

'How is this helpful?' you are thinking.
We were having a little trouble with a few kids protesting the potty (even though they are undies wearers and it is not a choice). Instead of a battle, we offered them a question that required their input and action. It has totally been working! Even the new trainers are taking more ownership of the process....delight.

I feel like this could be a helpful tool for those parents entering the toilet training phase with their tot. A pic of your potty, laminated photos of the people in your family who use that potty and a little sticky Velcro. Hilarious and effective:)

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