Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Toddler Talk: Sensory Play

The life of a toddler is centered around what they experience with their senses. Everything is heightened...from sound to sight, touch to taste. Why do some Tods put all objects in their mouth? They are taking in information and exploring. Why do they like toys that make exciting sounds? Curiosity and exploration. Cause and effect. Why do they move and groove to anything with a beat? Their senses are captured by the sound and they have to respond.

Sensory input is so important in the developmental progress of young minds. We try to fill our classroom with a plethora of sensory experiences- art projects, instruments, sensory table filled with tools and things to scoop and dump, books and get the idea.

Another new item we have added lately is our 'Sensory Bucket'. It's filled with random objects of varying textures/sizes/functions for the kiddos to explore....we plan to add new items as we find interesting things we think will stimulate their senses!

This could be a fun project to work on at home with your child. Decorate a bucket, search around the house and out in nature and add items to the bucket for exploration. The sky is the limit....just make sure the items are not chokable:)

Take the bucket out as an activity to do together...or let them explore on their own. Fun!

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