Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sequins & Sofas: Got a Window? Make a table.

I have a gal pal that was doing a remodel on her home awhile back and had some old window panes that she was getting rid of...I asked her if I could pretty, pretty please maybe have one if she was planning to toss them out anyway because, well, I had an idea.

I saved this window for well over a year in hopes to someday have a real living room for my little project to live in. Finally the day has come and I am excited to share my little window table with the world:

It was super easy to put together...just a few supplies:

A quick google search on the standard height of a coffee table (anywhere between 15 and 17 inches is acceptable by most websites I skimmed through), a trip to Menards, a little time spent in the plumbing aisle of said Menards fitting pieces together until I reached the desired height of 17 inches (whilst not forgetting to factor in the thickness of the window pane), a conversation with a cute old grandpa at the check out line asking if I was a plumber and what was I going to do with all those pipes and fittings, and 15 minutes of assembly with a drill and screws and I had myself and coffee table.

Eeeekkkk! I'm so's just what I pictured in my head and it was so easy! The perfect mix of old and new. Love.

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