Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sequins & Sofas: 5 Things (Mosby Edition)

It's been awhile since I've posted about a few of my favorite things. And since Mosby the Cat is my most favorite, I shall share some things that he really likes:

1. Little toys that crinkle- It doesn't really matter what it is, he will hunt it down like a jungle tiger...although he does seem to be partial to the little mice. He is such a kitty cliche...

2. Brushes- I'll be honest, they are not exactly his favorite yet. But he is getting better and does enjoy the massaging purple kitty shaped rubber brush. He will indulge me to brush half of him with the other and then squirms away. I intend for he and the metal brush to become best friends after more practice.

3. The Kitty Tunnel- After weeks of ignoring this item (that I though he would love from the get go), he has finally decided that it is worth checking out. He likes to chomp on the bristles and even hang out inside to scratch to his little heart's content.

4. Toys on strings- These are a must have. I want to raise a respectful and kind kitty (one who welcomes being pet and doesn't nibble/chomp at such an action) and the vet informed me that a good way to do this is to keep hands out of the rough play equation. He is definitely ready to run and pounce when I get home from work...and instead of my legs and hands becoming his latest victims, I offer him these. He chases them around like a (super crazy) champ...and then falls asleep. Cats.

5. Target brand kitty litter- Ok, I don't know if this is his favorite or not...but he has not complained so far. I like it because it is inexpensive, clumps nicely and keeps odors at bay. Gross. But 2 thumbs up, Target.


  1. How old is Mosley? Do you make him any toys? I'm looking for ideas for my 8 week old Seamus.

  2. He is 5 months old...haven't made and toys yet but plan to make a big cloth stuffed animal (probably mouse shaped)- maybe with a bell inside or some krinkly paper. Stay tuned.
