Tuesday, August 25, 2015

5 Things: The Essentials

I have recently been learning about the benefits of Essential Oils and would love to share a few (actually 5) of my favorites and how I use them:

1. Lavender- A calming oil, I rub a drop or two behind my ears at the end of the day to wind down. It's also great for little summer bug bite irritations.

2. Lemon- A happy burst of uplifting sunshine! And a great aromatic scent for diffusing. Also, I sometimes add a few drops into my ice water to help cleanse the system or to warm water to gargle a sore throat away.

3. Melaleuca- Also known as 'Tea Tree Oil', I use this to try to help calm my less than perfect skin. A battle I have been fighting since the teen years, I have become tired of applying toxic chemicals to my face that have little to no effect. A few drops instead of a natural, plant based oil directly to the problem areas seem to be helping keep things relatively under control. Hoping for continued improvement.

4. Peppermint- Yeehaw. This one is powerful! I get stuffy nose type situations frequently (I blame the 2 year olds who like to share their germs with me on a daily basis). Anyway, a drop of peppermint rubbed in my palms, hands cupped to my nose and a few deep breaths really open up the airways. Yes!

5. Frankincense- They call it 'The King of Oils'. I was experiencing some minor health challenges at the time I began learning about the benefits of essential oils and this one has been shown to build and maintain a healthy immune system and promote cellular health. Yes, please. So far, I have been adding a few drops in a swig of warm water to start each day. 

Diffusing- The aroma and the misty/bubbly sounds that spread throughout my home make me feel happy. Two of my favorite combos to diffuse:

...and few that I hope to try in the future:
Geranium, Lemongrass & Clove. 

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