Wednesday, June 18, 2014

It's OFFICIAL! I Own a House.

Well, Monday was a very special day. I signed the final papers and now own a home. What??? I can't believe it really. But I have never been more sure and felt more peace about a life decision than this! I owe a huge hug and thanks to my friend and realtor Liz Johnson ( for making this little dream an actual reality!

Lots to do in the next few days/weeks/months (and let's be honest, years. First task completed by learning how to check a water meter. I feel smarter already!), painting, packing, moving. Oodles of friends have offered their services, skills and time in many of these areas (for which I am ever so grateful) and I am excited to get the creative juices flowing to make this house a home! I have lots of ideas that I hope to share with you in the coming weeks....eeeekkkk, I can be my very own HGTV!!!!

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