Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sequins & Sofas: 5 Things

It's time for another installment of 5 Things....just stuff I like and maybe you would like too:

1. Microwave egg cooker thingy- Not sure of the brand. I got mine at Target for like 3 bucks. My sister found some at Cub Foods for roughly the same amount. This little tool helps me whip up some scrambled eggs in a flash without having to scrub my skillet when I'm done. That makes me happy. Super easy to clean and less than 2 minutes to yummy eggs!

2. This brand of ice- Ok, kind of random but I don't have an ice maker in my fridge and this ice is little and easy to crunch (similar to the kind at IKEA if you are all familiar). Most ice in a bag is too big and not crunchable (I know, it's bad for your teeth...I don't care). This is even says its PUREfect right on the bag. So you know it's not gonna disappoint. I happened upon it at a gas station on University avenue....hahahaha. I go there just for ice now.

3. Oiselle sweatpants- Check out their website to see for yourself----Oiselle.
For real though, these sweatpants are the first thing I change into when I get home from work. They are the BEST. I was gifted this pair a few seasons ago (thanks KG) so I don't think you can score this exact style. But the current styles are equally as amazing.

4. Norwex Kitchen Cloths & Mesh Dish Cloth- Both of these items are my new kitchen favorites. I was tired of spraying my countertops down with chemicals but still needed a way to sanitize them safely (so Mosie could make his way to the garden window without being poisoned. Ok, that was a little overly dramatic...but you get the point). The kitchen cloths (grey and purple ones) are awesome! They lock in the grime without fear of cross contamination and come in a pack of 3 so there is always one around while the others may be in the wash. The mesh cloth replaced my dirty sponge wand and is also easily washable and dries quickly after use. Two thumbs up!

5. Trader Joe's Pesto- I just love all things basil. The smell makes me crazy with happiness. My new favorite meal with this product is a big bowl of spiral pasta, grape tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. Easy and so yummy! And it's a small jar which I like...because I don't end up wasting it! Win, Win.

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