Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Random happenings...

I haven't got much to say this week but must persevere with some semblance of a weekly posting....because I am very much a type A kind of gal and incompleteness makes my mind and heart feel sad things.

So I will share a few life events of the past week:

1. I tried my hand at making some Chickpea Curry-

In my trial, I learned that mild curry paste is not as delicious as spicy curry paste. It was ok, but I will for sure try again and make it better.

2. My Sheepy Blankie (that I have had since I was like 7 and it's my favorite) got a hole in it...from oldness-

I plan to rescue it with some sort of patch. I am still in process as to how said patch will evolve and restore Sheepy to new life.

3. I made some baby doll toilets out of an oatmeal container, cardboard pieces and lots of white duct tape-

Why? You ask. Because we are focusing on all things bathroom with the Tods this week in preparation for major summertime toilet training fun. Trying to find creative ways to drive the point home....pee goes in the potty. Plus, pretend little cardboard toilets for dolls are funny.

4. I snuggled with Mosie-

It was enjoyable for the both of us. 

5. I headed out to Buffalo on Sunday for Mother's Day-

Really fun afternoon with family to celebrate the best mama in the land...sisters, a bro-in-law, daddio, sloppy joes on the patio, nieces and nephew running thru the sprinkler and loving it!
Side note #1: This photo proves nicely that I am indeed the tallest sister. I'm certain that the hill we are standing on plays no role in the trueness of this fact.

6. I bought Berkenstocks-

I wasn't sure if I was a Berkenstock kind of gal, but then my sister was wearing some and they were super cute. And I needed an alternative to summer flip flops. 
Side note #2: I really need to paint those toenails...maybe tomorrow. It's good to have goals.

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