Saturday, October 6, 2012

Stylin' Saturday: Cleaning House

So last weekend, I got the bug to go through my closet and rid myself of the masses of clothes, shoes, stuff that I have collected over the years.

I try to make it part of my life routine to weed out clothes now and again (every 6 months or so). But every time I go through this process, there are always items that I just can't seem to get rid of. You know the ones- I haven't worn you in like 8 years.....button down plaid long sleeved flannel. But what if comfy grunge comes back in style? Then I will have absolutely NOTHING to get the idea.

Well, this time was different. I said to myself, "Self, it's time to be free from the madness that is your closet. No more negotiations with the knee length sweaters and shoes that give you blisters. Let's do this!"

I got started and soon was through the skirts and, that was easier that I thought it would be! It was even a little exciting to see the space opening up on empty hangers and I knew my closet was on its way to amazingness.

I went through every drawer and bin that I owned, and can proudly say that what remained were things that I actually wear! As a bonus, I even discovered a few pieces that had long been forgotten and buried away and are now back in the mix. I feel so organized....and free!!

So today, I send some encouragement your way to take a step towards your own closet freedom. Maybe an all out assault on your hangers and dresser are a little too scary for your first try. Start small by saying goodbye to a few things that you know you are NEVER going to wear but have been hanging onto know, just in case.

I once heard a tip on some organizing tv show to hang all your clothes with the hangers in the same direction. Then when you return that item back to the closet, rehang that hanger in the opposite direction. After 6 months, anything that is hung in the original direction needs to find a new's something that you are not going to wear, EVER!!

And now, the big reveal:

I know it may not look like much in the photo, but I guess I am a little proud of my closet cleansing adventure and had to share it with the world. It makes me happy to finally be free from the madness!!

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