Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: Roll it!

I bought this foam roller a ways back to help with some exercises to strengthen my hip flexers. You see, I used to be a runner. And every spring I try to become one again....but my 30-something old knees tell me otherwise. My doc told me this might be a helpful tool to get myself back on the road.

But after a few seasons of attempting to get back into it (and also realizing that running just really doesn't bring me joy....it's hard and makes me tired), I knew there had to be another use for this exercise tool that I spent my hard earned money on! Oh what could it be used for?? Plant stand. Log rolling practice. A not awesome pillow.

Fast forward a few months.....I was at a conference for work (an early education teacher extravaganza) and was learning all kinds of amazing kid stuff. Lo and behold, my exercise roller questions were solved in a class about large motor play. The presenter talked about different ways to give our toddlers a variety of large motor experiences (both in the classroom and inside the home).

Wrestling, tossing soft things around and having a few things that are ok to climb on are all essential to both large motor and emotional development! Letting little folks use their bodies to move while indoors can be challenging to keep them safe (and to keep your house intact)! But go ahead and find a little space somewhere in your home where your toddler can safely use their muscles to challenge their gross motor skillz.

Sorry...got off on a mini teacher tangent about the importance of gross motor play. Are you still on the edge of your seat waiting for me to tell you how the roller fits into this story??

Ok here we go.....the presenter used it in her program to literally ROLL over her students. (Like a rolling pin over a ball of playdough...) The kids loved the gentle pressure of the teacher rolling them from their 'head to their toes'. Either over their tummies or on their backs....in the middle of their rough and tumble play, the teachers would bring in another sensory experience with a calming moment of ROLLING! Big hit with the kids and a great use of my once retired foam roller!

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