Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: Silly Strainer

Need a quick and easy activity for your kiddo while you are trying to make dinner? Or maybe just a fun way to practice and improve their fine motor skills?

You have come to the right place! Pick up a pack of run of the mill pipe cleaners from the local craft store, take out your colander from the kitchen cabinet and let your little lovely go to town!

This does require that your colander has lots of little pipe cleaner sizes holes....(it is great fun for little hands to fill each hole up with as many pipe cleaners as they are given)....so if you don't have such a colander, I recommend you go out and grab one!! Well worth the investment if you have a few bucks to spare (I think I got mine at Target for less than $15).

We have done this activity several times at school and it has always been a big hit....kid tested and Dharma approved!

A little silly strainer update: I got this photo from a dear friend (thanks Angela) who went ahead and tried this activity with her 4 year old son (Mr. B). He chose to construct an amazing strainer/pipe cleaner hat.....fun for all ages!!

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