Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: What to Wear!!

Do you ever have a moment where it's time to leave the house and your kiddo is laying on the floor screaming....I DON'T WANNA PUT ON MY JACKET.....I HATE MITTENS....AHHHH!

Or maybe they just sit there not knowing what to put on first because they are an eternal dawdler....

We made a little system in our classroom to help the kids know what their job is when it's time to go outside to play...and I feel like it could also be a help for families trying to get out the door with helping an unwilling little friend to get themselves ready to go!

Ok, so during each season we add whatever item applies for our outdoor playing needs. The kids can take a look at the sign and know what they need to put on to be ready to go. This is also helpful when it comes to battles: 'Oh, it looks like the sign says you need to wear a coat before we head out the door.' It frees you from being the meanie who makes them wear a coat and also gives them some responsibility to take charge of themselves!

You could add any item that fits your situation...shoes, backpack, lunchbox...use it as a 'get ready for school reminder' for your older kids or a fun self help tool for the little ones who are learning to dress themselves for some fun winter snow playtime in the back yard!

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