Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Doin' Stuff

Since last week's apartment re-arrangement, I have been spending most of my time going through all my 'stuff' and purging extraneous junk.

It feels so good to once again get rid of the things I keep 'just in case I might use them one day' but never do. I'm pretty sure I have talked about this before...but I highly recommend doing this once every few years (even if its just one closet at a time). You can even make a list of the things you want to accomplish...I like lists and to cross things off of lists. Also, recruit a buddy to help you be honest with yourself about the stuff you don't need but just can't seem to let go of. In the end, it is totally worth it!

Aside from the purging palooza, I did manage to have a few moments to get my creative juices flowing:

1. I finished my very first project via sewing machine. It's nothing fancy and an expert sewer might cringe at my 'technique', but I am excited none the less:

Mini sleeping bags and pillows for the baby dolls in my classroom. Hilarious, right! I have been on vacation for the past few days so haven't gotten the official report if they are a hit or not, but I am thinking yes.

2. New decorations for my room divider:

I have 3 visible panels that divide my bed and sitting area (which I have decided to call 'The Parlour' so I can pretend I am fancy like the ladies on Downton Abby). I found 3 random frames from a thrift store, painted them all gold and bought 3 new mats for inside the frames. Then, printed off some maps from the internets...I chose Minnesota, a map of Duluth (hometown), and a map of St. Paul (current town). I saw something similar with the State of Minnesota framing at a craft fair a few months back and just needed a place in my house to implement such a lovely idea. Mission accomplished and happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you call your room "the parlour." In our first apartment we used to have a room called "the fun room" and that is where all of David's extra junk (er... toys) was stored, haha :)
