Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Crafty Corner: Name it!

My AWESOME 2nd grader nephew has finally graduated to having his very own room! He helped pick out the paint colors and decided on a COOL DUDE sports theme:)

He also had some big wooden letters spelling out his name from his old room that needed a little TLC. Sounded like a great opportunity for a fun auntie craft project! My goal (get it...sports...goal, ha!) was to revamp said letters to get in the game (seriously, how funny am I??) of his new theme. The old:

The pre-game strategy session (yep..I did it again):

Half Time (he he he):

Score! (sorry, last one...promise):

I can't wait to deliver the new letters to my buddy and get them up on the wall! This little project was not too time consuming, pretty inexpensive and really fun! Got a theme? An empty wall? And a kid who has a name? 1,2,3...go!

Letter update:'s now the end of the day and the letters have been delivered and hung on the wall! They look great: