Saturday, September 8, 2012

Stylin Saturday: On a Budget

So I know it's important as a grown up to be responsible....especially in the area of finance. And if you want to be stylin and purchase cute things, you need money. I have been fortunate to have found a career that I love and that has suited me fine to pay the bills....nothin' fancy. And I always had enough $ left over to go to Target whenever I wanted and not think twice about shopping the clearance racks for things I for sure did not need but bought anyway.
As the years rolled on, expenses increased (not having roomies anymore means that I have to pay ALL the bills....what's up with that???) and I started to notice that what I was bringing in each month was the same or less than what I was spending. Not the best way to save for my financial future....and if there is one lesson I remember learning from my Uncle Chuck as a kid, it was DO NOT GO INTO DEBT!

So a few months ago, I decided to try out a new plan for future financial success. Here's the plan.....I took out a set amount of cash every 2 weeks for food and extraneous fun stuff (that amount does not include gas or any other bills, just food and fun). If I ran out before the next two weeks, then there was no $ to buy anything else and I had to wait.
It really made me stop and think each time I needed to make a purchase and I had to get creative with meal planning....having cash in hand was so much more real than just swiping my bank card for this and that. I know, this is not a groundbreaking new idea that I so cleverly discovered all on my own....but it was new to me and it was a challenge at first to show some restraint in my purchasing of stuff. It's really fun to buy stuff....I like buying stuff.

So you may be asking yourself, 'Well, did it make any difference? Has your bank account become happier?'

YES! It has only been about 3 months, but I am learning how to be aware of what I can afford and what I can't. I am learning about my tendencies to shop for junk when I am bored and buy stuff cause it's fun. I am learning that it is kind of rewarding to know that I have the power to be successful in my finances and build a stable life for my future self....

So, I encourage you to give it a try! It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be once I stuck to it and it was the jump start I needed to gain a little insight into my spending tendencies.

On a completely unrelated note, here is a simple recipe for 1 serving of homemade Mac and Cheese:

2/3 cup elbow macaroni noodles
(cook as directed on box)

Melt 2 teaspoons butter in micro and then add about 1 tablespoon of flour.
Mix together and put in sauce pan with 1/2 cup milk.

Bring to a will quickly thicken so pay attention not to burn it! Once it is thick, add 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese and stir til melted.

Add your cooked noodles to the sauce and add salt/pepper to taste!

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Dharma! Cor and I did something similar our first 2 years of marriage. When we ran out of cash, we spent no more that month. It really helped us learn to live within our budget.

    You're smart!!!

    "I just really like to buy stuff." - Dharma
