Saturday, July 28, 2012

Stylin Saturday- Cute Paper Project

Whenever I travel home to Duluth, my Aunt Sheilagh and I make sure to do a little boutique browsing. We have a planned route of shops that we hit down by the lakefront and always seem to come home with some really cute stuff....

On my last trip home, we once again scored some delightful items:

This lovely find really has nothing to do with this week's post. I just really like my black sequined skirt and wanted you to see how sparkly it is.
Anyway, while we were browsing amongst the racks of overpriced shirts, scarves and costume jewelry I walked past a little decoration hanging on a wall that caught my eye. There were actually several of them hanging around the room......I suspect they were placed there to make me think cute thoughts and consequently tell my mind to buy cute things...well done, little lakefront boutique, well done.

I got my focus back and proceeded to think to myself, 'That IS a really cute idea, I bet I could make that!'.....I snapped a quick pic and got myself outta there before I saw any other lovely things that just had to be mine:

Back at the ranch, I dug out the hot glue gun, an old clothing catalogue and a smattering of other craft materials to try to recreate the cuteness that was this decoration.
I started off by tearing out random pages from a magazine (trying to choose pages that had some color or cool patterns). I folded one end from the middle and continued to fold around:

Once I had a little paper left, I flipped it over to finish the fold in the other direction (below).

Next, I made a whole bunch more of these, choosing magazine pages that looked interesting next to each other and laid them out to see what I had.

Ok, I like what's going on here....I shall continue with this crafting adventure. I cut out a piece of cardboard (any shape will do, pick your favorite) and got the glue gun going. I stuck each folded piece of paper to the cardboard (being careful not to burn myself) until I got all the way around.

Once completed, I felt like more cuteness was definitely called for so I cut out some fabric pieces (felt and tulle) and stuck them together (burned my finger a little bit that time).

Fill in the blank: Cute as a ______.

Correct. A button, I glued on a button.

To finish it off and get it ready for hanging, I flipped it over and added a colorful ribbon:


This would be a really great (as well as cheap and easy) way to decorate things like baby showers (get some baby themed paper), kids birthdays, wedding receptions, my dining room....other paper options could include old phone book pages, sheet music, dress patterns....the sky's the limit! Give it a try and happy (cute) crafting!

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