Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Toddler Tuesday: Perfect Playdough

My toddlers are big fans of exploring different media with their hands: paint, coffee beans, water, sand. I think their most favorite, though, would have to be good ole fashioned playdough.

Want a great recipe that you can make at home? Ok!!

You will need:
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
2 packages of Kool Aid (any flavor)
3 Tbls of oil
2 cups water

Mix all dry ingredients together.

Bring water and oil to a boil and then combine with dry ingredients!
CAREFUL! It will be really hot, so start mixing with a spoon as best you can until it starts to cool a little....

Then get out your favorite pair of dish washing gloves and knead away....keep those hands safe from the heat!

You will most likely have to add a little more flour once you have given it a good mix....up to 1/2 cup more. But be careful not to add too much, it gets more firm as it cools completely....add just enough to not be sticky!

Ball it up and let it cool! Then stick it in a zip lock bag. Store in the fridge and it should last for a few months! Some fun tools to add to your playdough experience: cookie cutters, kitchen utensils, craft sticks, real sticks (like from the tree outside), stampers!

You can also make this a group experience with your favorite little friend...collecting the ingredients, measuring them out, guessing what color it will be when you add the water to the flour/koolaid, and best of all.....playing with it! Roll up those sleeves and join in on the doughy wonderfulness!

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