Saturday, July 21, 2012

Stylin' Saturday- Just do it.

This morning, I'd like to give you a little pep talk on accessorizing your daily wardrobe. Here we go: just do it.

I feel like I have had many a conversation with my lady pals that goes a little something like this:

Well, yeah I have a few necklaces and bracelets that I think are really cute and WANT to wear them more often but, I don't know, I'm not sure if I am the kind of girl that can pull it off if i'm not going somewhere fancy or something.
Why don't you just put them on and wear them?
Them: Yeah, I guess I could maybe give that a try...

Here's the thing. If you don't put them on, then you are not wearing them. I know......right?

My encouragement to you is to just do it....take out a few of those beaded necklaces, bracelets, cute earrings that you really love but have only worn once because you are not sure if you can pull them off (YOU CAN....put them on!!!) and put them in a place where you can see them every day. Remind yourself that it's ok to feel a little fancy even if it's just for a trip to the grocery store....and just do it!

Once you take the first step to put that necklace on, then you are wearing it! Good job, now keep it on and leave the house!

I too was once a girl with lots if fun little jewels stashed in a box with no memory of what I had and no time to dig it out. To help myself feel fancy, I did a little organizing to remind myself to 'Just do it' and be intentional about wearing some if the things that I already owned:

I found one if those metal picture holders on a clearance rack at some discount home store and bent the little rings where you stick a photo in to make holders for my necklaces. I added a few hooks at the top for rings and bracelets and I was ready for some daily accessorizing! Now when I get ready for work, I grab a little something and PUT IT ON! Ok, now I am wearing it...Good job me!

So dear friend: It's ok to feel a little fancy every matter what the day holds, just do it!

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