Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Toddler Tuesday - BIG HEADS

I can think of nothing more that my Toddlers like than looking at pictures of themselves and the people that they know. A bunch of years back, we were brainstorming fun ways to display photos of our Tods in the classroom and came up with.....BIG HEADS!!

Here's the idea: take close up photos first of your child and then also all the people they know and love ( this could include grandparents, siblings, parents, cousins, playmates etc... ). It may take a bit to gather these pics depending on how often you see each person, but don't hesitate to ask long distance pals to email you a photo of their face if that is easier!

Once you have your photos gathered, cut the face out in a circle, mount to cardstock and laminate with either clear contact paper or a laminator ( if you happen to have one ). Mount on a craft stick using a little duct tape and write the person's name on the stick. Toss them all in a basket and you are ready for fun! Your toddler will love to carry them around and talk about the people they know...you can practice letter recognition and what each person's name starts with as well for a little pre-reading development:)


  1. We still have.Christopher's with his blue tungue! My preschoolers love theirs, too!

  2. What do you recommend for those of us who are fashionaly challenged? How do we know what goes with what?!? :)

    This is a great blog, Dharma!
